A separate hall with the name of “Display Hall” is also maintained for displaying some of the important and historical manuscripts enriched with some of the seal impressions of kings, princesses etc. and notes in their own hand writings with signatures etc., which are preserved under the intact show-cases covered with a transparent glass for the common people. The various manuscripts on different subjects written with golden frontispiece and floral designs drawn with the ink made of precious stones are a centre of attraction not only for the scholars but also for the general public.

apri tonk raj Display Hall

Naskh calligraphy on paper
Calligrapher: Alamgir Badshah
Calligraphed: 18th c AD
55cm x 30cm
656 folios / 9 lines per folio
Gubar Caligraphi on paper
Calligrapher: Anonymous
746cm x 5cm
Swati ul-Ilham
Nash Calligraphy on paper
Calligraphed: 17th c. AD
Author: Abul Faiz bin Shaikh Mubarak an Nagauri al Hindi
Composed: AD 1593
26cm x 16 cm
634 folios / lines per folio
Shahih-ul-Bukhari or Al- Jami- Us-Sahih
Nash Calligraphy on paper
Author: Abu 'Abdullah Md. Ibrahim bin Mughrah bin Bardizbah al-ju'fi al bukhari Copyist: Adu sa'id
Copied: 916 AH / AD 1510
29 cm x 18 cm
273 folios / 24 lines folio
Taqrib un-Nashr
Nash Calligraphy on paper
Author: Shams ud-Din Abul Khair Muhammad bin Muhammad bin ad-Dimishqi al-Jazari
Composed: AD 1429
Copying : Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Nashr bin Ibrahim
115 folio / 19 lines per folio
Tarikh i-Masudi
Naskh calligraphy on paper
Author: Qutub ud-din abul hasan 'Ali al-Masudi'
Composed: AD 957
Copyist: Muhammad Ali bin Shahwari
Copied: AD 1584
29 cm x 19.5 cm
788 folio / 25 lines per folio
Kitabu Tahrir i-Uqlidas
Naskh Calligraphy on paper
Author: Nasir ud-din Abu ja'far Muhammad bin Muhammad bin al-hasan at-Tulsi al-Muhaqqiq
Composed: AH 672 / AD / 1274
Copyist: Ali bin Husain bin Ali as-Sijistani
Copied: AH 73 / AD 1330
23.5 cm x 18 cm
90 folios / 25 lines per folio
Akbar Namah
Bold Nastaliq Calligraphy on paper
Author: Sharik Abul faiz' Allami' bin sheikh Mubarak Nagauri.
Composed: AD 1596
Copied: 17 th c. AD
31 cm x 19 cm
285 folios / 16 lines per folio
Fil Namah
Author: Anonymous
Copyist: Intezam Ali Khan
Copied: 19th c. AD
23 cm x 15 cm
53 folios / 14 lines per folio
Shah Namah
Author: Firdausi Tusi
Composed: 11th c. AD
Copyist: Anonymous
26 cm x 16 cm
165 folios / 21 lines per folio
Zib ut Tawarikh
Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Lala Gokul Chand
Composed: AD 1822
Copyist: Manik Chand
Chopied: AD 1850
27 cm x 19 cm
123 folios / 7 lines per folio
Aghraz us-Siyasah Fi Aghraz ir-Riyasah
Nastaliq Calligraphy on paper
Author: Baha ud- Din Muhammad bim ali bin Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Katib
As- Samarqandi Az-Zahiri
26 CM X 20 CM
160 folios / 15 lines per folio
Naskh calligraphy on paper
Author: Anonymous
Composed AD 1611
Copied: 17th c. AD
Copied: 17th c. AD
381 folio / 15 lines per folio
Subh i-Sadiq
Sunburst motif (Shamsa) work on Paper
Author: Mohammad Sadiq bin Muhammad Salih Zubairi
Composed: AD 1620
Copyist: AD 1847
20 cm x 13 cm
121 folios / 11 lines per folio
Nasab ul-Ansab or Tarikh i-Rajasthan
Shikastah Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Kali Ram Kayasth
Composed: 19th c. AD
Copied: AD 1794
26 cm x 17 cm
Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Qazi Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Ghaffari al-Qazwini
Copied: 18th c. AD
28 cm x 18 cm
418 folios / 15 lines per folio
Iqbal Namah-i Jahangiri
Bold Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Muhammad Sharif bin Daust Muhammad
Copyist: Muhammad
Copied: AD 1855
24 cm x 16 cm
285 folios / 12 lines per folio
Si Waraqi Qur`an ul Majid
Minute Naskh Calligraphy on Paper
Calligrapher: Abd ul-Baqi ‘Yaqut Raqam’
Calligraphed: 17th c AD
27.5cm x 17 cm
31 folios / 41 lines per folio 

Ijaz ul-Bayan li Ma`an il-Qur`an
Naskh calligraphy on paper
658AH/ 1259 AD
Authur: Najm ud-Din Abul Qasim Mahmud al-Qazwini
Copyist: Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Muhammad at Tirmizi 19cm x 14cm
159 folios / 15 lines per folio
Hilayat un-Nabi
Bold Naskh and Nastaliq Calligraphy on paper
Author: Hazrat Ali bin Talib al-Quraishi
Copyist: Anonymous
Copied: 16th c. AD
44.5 cm x 28 cm
18 folios / 8 lines per folio
Al- Qur’an on scroll
Calligraphy on paper
731 cm x 8 cm
This scroll is a copy of the holy Quran and shows minute calligraphy in ink and bold calligraphy in gold.
Kanz ud-Daqaa’iq
Bold Naskh Calligraphy on paper
Authors: Hafiz ud-din Abul Barkat Abdullah bin Ahmed an- Nasafi
Composed: AD 1310
Copyist: Imamuddin
Copied: AD 1826
27 cmx 17 cm
410 folios / 6 lines per foio
Zad ul-Masir Fi llm it Tafsir
Naskh Calligraphy on paper
Author: Abdul FAraj 'Abd ur Rehman' bin Ali bi Al Jauzi
Composed: AD 1258
32.5 cm x 23 cm
217 folios / 23 lines per folio
Ajaib ul Makhluqat wa Gharaib ul-Maujudat
Nastaliq Calligraphy on paper
Author: Zakria Bu Muhammad Bu Mehmood Ali Kamuni Al-Qazwini
Composed: AD 1283
Translator: Anonymous
27 cm x 15 cm
497 folios / 17 lines per folio
Faras Namah
Author: Anonymous
Composed: AH 926 / AD 1519
Copied: AH 1232 / AD 1816
21 cm x 12 cm
67 folios / 13 lines per folio
Tarikh i-Tajganj
Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Anonymous
Copied: 19th c. AD
24 cm x 16 cm
75 folio / 11 lines per folio
Adhayatam Ramayan
Shikastah Amiz Nastaliq
Calligraphy on Paper
Copied:AH 1198 / AD 1783
22.5 cm x 13 cm
283 folios / 14 lines per folio
Author: Najaf Ali Khan Tonky.
Copyist: Madad Ali Khan.
Copied: AH 1265 / AD 1848
29 cm x 19 cm
147 folios / 19 lines per folio
Author: Mulla Husain wa'iz Kashifi
Copyist: Ibdullah Khan Ijaz Raqam.
Copied: AD 1841
Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Anonymous
Copyist: Anonymous
Copied: 19 th c. AD
23 cm x 14 cm
71 folios / 15 lines per folio
Zafar Namah-i-Nushirawan
Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Buzurchimihr
Composed: AD 1184
Copyist: Abd ur-Rashid Dilami 'Aqa Rahid'
Copied: AD 1674
25 cm x 14 cm
6 folios / 8 lines per folio
Shah Jahan Namah (Manzum)
Naskh calligraphy on paper
Calligrapher: Alamgir Badshah
Calligraphed: 18th c AD
55cm x 30cm
656 folios / 9 lines per folio
Bold Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Muhammad salim
Copied: 18 cm x 24cm
97 folios / 15 lines per folio
Shah Jahan Namah (Manzum)
Nastaliq Calligraphy on Paper
Author: Mirza Abu Talib "Kalim" Hamadani
Copied: 17th c. AD
30 cm x 16 cm
290 folios / 13 lines per folio
